

Friday, July 28, 2017

5 Health Benefits of Live Indoor Plants

When is a living indoor plant more than a beautiful accent for home or office?  The answer is “nearly always” if you consider the health benefits of having live plants in your space.

According to Kifumi Keppler, owner and founder of Exotic Plants, “Research shows that the benefits of living plants in our home and workplace help us live healthier and even happier lives.  If you’ve noticed that you feel better around your plants, there are plenty of studies that back you up.”

Here are five health benefits of plants that may help you decide to add more green to your indoor environment. 

Plants can help:

1. Improve air quality.

Research by NASA has shown that plants improve air quality by removing certain chemicals from the air in enclosed spaces.  These chemicals, including compounds like benzene, formaldehyde and ammonia, have been linked to physical complaints such as headaches, eye irritation and more.

2. Help you breathe better.

In the process of photosynthesis, plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.  Since we breathe in oxygen, people and plants make good partners.  At night, most plants stop photosynthesis and release carbon dioxide.  However a few plants like orchids, succulents and certain others, do just the opposite, releasing oxygen at night time, making them a great choice for the bedroom.

3. Reduce stress.

A study conducted in Australia found that plants in the work environment can reduce stress.  Their research found reductions in anxiety, depression, anger and hostility, all of which can negatively affect one’s health.

4. Improve health.

Norwegian and Dutch research discovered that adding plants to the workplace can reduce the incidence of physical ills such as fatigue, colds, headaches, coughs, sore throats and flu-like symptoms. 

5. Speed recovery for surgical patients.
A Kansas State University study compared the recovery rate of patients in rooms with and without plants.  Those in rooms with plants requested less pain medication and were released from the hospital sooner than those patients without the plants.

Of course, not every plant may be the right fit for you.  Some are toxic if eaten and so should be avoided in homes with children and pets.

As Kifumi says the value of plants goes far beyond the aesthetic value. “Plants add a natural and spiritual aspect to our lives. There’s a symbiotic relationship between people and plants.  They give us so much—food, oxygen, energy, medicinal remedies and more. Nature is our connection to the earth, and keeping live plants in the house and office reminds us of this.”

If you have questions or think you don’t have a green thumb, Kifumi invites you to call or visit Exotic Plants.  She says her staff love answering questions and will do their best to help you maintain healthy and beautiful plants.


Smith Paul said...

Thanks for nice tips. I am completely agree with you that there is a health benefit in surrounding your family with flowers and green plants and it can be beneficial to both your physical and emotional health.

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tomcruise said...

This medicinal plant is a great addition to any home.Best karachi nursery It produces oxygen at night, so like the other plants listed, it will improve the air in your bedroom.